Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra are becoming more dabangg about making public appearances together. Just days after they were caught at the Tere Bin Laden screening together, the two lovers-pretending-as-friends were spotted together at a suburban multiplex in Mumbai to watch Salman Khan’s latest blockbuster Dabangg on Monday night.
The couple looked visibly excited to catch the film that has set new record at the box office.
A few weeks back, Shahid was seen dropping Priyanka at the Mumbai international airport when she flew to Brazil to shoot her telly show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’.
Neither of them has so far come out in open acceptance of their love. But then, they don’t need to shout out to the world what they feel for each other. Right?
We do know that Priyanka enjoyed the movie, as she was quick to update her twitter status "Loved dabangg! Full entertainment.. Salman khan at his best and sonakshi beautiful..loved arbaaz and malaika too.. Congrats team dabangg!", tweeted Priyanka.