After Malaika Arora Khan wore a bustier worth a million Euros, we've now got Akshay Kumar with an outfit that costs over a million rupees. Akki recently met the erstwhile ruler of Udaipur, Sriji Arvind Mewar, and he wore a sherwani worth Rs.1.7 million that his wife Twinkle had especially bought for the occasion.
Akshay, who is making a comeback on the small screen with the cookery show 'Master Chef India' on Star Plus, made a brief visit to Udaipur to meet the former ruler.
The diamond and pearl studded sherwani has been designed by Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla.
The 43-year-old star was not only allowed to shoot the special episode in the palace, but also allowed to take his crew of 150 with him. As a special task, the contestants of 'Master Chef India' cooked for members of the royal family.
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