Actor Salman Khan has no immediate plans to follow his brothers Arbaaz and Sohail into production. But says he would love to invest in “small and entertaining” films if he does. Asked about his plans on film production, Salman said “Not now. But if I do I would like to do simple, small and entertaining films.”
Dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, the actor was at the Kingdom of Dreams complex in the suburb of Gurgaon adjoining the national capital to launch the IIFA Buzz Café in Culture Gully and promote his new film Dabangg. He was accompanied by co-star Sonakshi Sinha and brother Arbaaz.
Also present at the launch of IIFA Buzz Café were actor Hussain Kuwajerwala and actress Kashmeera Irani, who are a part of Bollywood musical Zangoora, to be staged at Nautanki Mahal Sep 17 in the Kingdom of Dreams.