As rumours were doing rounds that John and Priya have tied the knot in a private ceremony in L.A. in 2013 the actor firmly denied all such reports. But now he has made his new relationship status official by calling Priya as Priya Abraham in the tweet for the first time. In 2010 the Bollywood heartthrob first met Priya, who is an investment banker, at a Bandra gym. Earlier in a conversation John hinted that wedding bells have been ringing for him sometime in 2013. He said, "I know it will be this year, but I don't know when. It could be in a few months or a few weeks. I am a very impulsive guy. So I might decide to get married next week! It's possible that our wedding may have just 10 people, if we include close family.” Please watch this space for more confirmed inputs, till then John’s female fans can heave a sigh of relief.